A show: a new party in the political arena
The approaching regional elections correct political agenda and forced the party members to be more active. An example of this can serve at least hipoly departure to Khabarovsk Sergey Shnurov. Davydov.Index <a href=https://davydov.in/politics/o predvybornyx-tendenciyax-v regionax-i-novyx-lyudyax-v-politike target=_blank><b>published</b></a> a review of the parties, noting that among them there are a number of the unripe type of political power Titov, who now sees the policy more of a business, and there are dinosaurs domestic politics (big and invincible United Russia, and eternal CPRF and LDPR). Revived the political agenda, according to Davydov.Index Aleksei Nechayev, the founder of the party New people.
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