
Сообщения за июль, 2020

Paid friends: the Prime Minister of Canada was accused of corruption

The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is accused of conflict of interest due to government contract with the charitable organization who paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to his family. The Prime Minister is trying to shift the blame for the contract for civil servants, pointing also to the urgency of the launch of the anti-crisis program. However, the opposition does not accept the arguments of the Prime Minister and calls for his resignation.

Savagery there is no limit: to establish whether racism science

Physicist from United States Lawrence Krauss said that in this country for fear of being accused of racism closed the whole direction in science, and prominent professionals are forced to leave their posts. Not less important question of sexism in universities. The news Agency learned from Russian scientists, how serious the problem of racial and gender discrimination in the Western and domestic science.

The President of Brazil said that everyone will get sick COVID-19

All residents of Brazil will sooner or later get a coronavirus infection, said President Jair Bolsonaro during a meeting with his supporters in the city of Bager. I am...

Hitler's ally: why did not execute the Marshal Petain

July 23, 1945 in Paris, began the trial of the head of the collaborationist French state Philippe Petain. The aged Marshal was convicted of treason and sentenced to death. The leader of the French Resistance and a former subordinate of Petain, General Charles de Gaulle, however, replaced the penalty with life imprisonment.

The vaccine Vector from the coronavirus tested on humans

The first of five volunteers, which began clinical trials of a vaccine against the coronavirus was developed by the State scientific center of Virology and biotechnology Vector, already vaccinated. About TASS reported in the

IRI President: Iran has passed the peak of the coronavirus epidemic

On July 30, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced that the country had passed the peak of the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19). This was reported by the Iranian agency IRNA. All but two of Iran's provinces are leaving the peak of the virus behind, President Rouhani said at a videoconference ceremony to mark the opening of the largest medium-density fiberboard unit (MDF) in Iran's northern Mazenderan province. According to the president, special methods to contain the spread of the virus are used to combat the pandemic of coronavirus infection throughout the country. He also praised the medical personnel who sacrificed themselves for the country during the campaign against COVID-19. The deadly coronavirus, first discovered in Chinese Wuhan in December 2019, affected about 17,190,000 people around the world and killed more than 670,000 people, while in Iran the death toll is more than 16,300 people. ...

Died the death of a righteous man: 40 years ago, became Vysotsky

July 25, 1980 in his apartment in Moscow has died the actor of theatre and cinema, singer and poet Vladimir Vysotsky. In the capital of the Soviet Union was the Olympic games, and the official seal ignored the tragic event. An autopsy was not performed at the request of parents Vysotsky. Therefore, the exact cause of his death was never established.

A show: a new party in the political arena

The approaching regional elections correct political agenda and forced the party members to be more active. An example of this can serve at least hipoly departure to Khabarovsk Sergey Shnurov. Davydov.Index <a href= https://davydov.in/politics/o predvybornyx-tendenciyax-v regionax-i-novyx-lyudyax-v-politike target=_blank><b>published</b></a> a review of the parties, noting that among them there are a number of the unripe type of political power Titov, who now sees the policy more of a business, and there are dinosaurs domestic politics (big and invincible United Russia, and eternal CPRF and LDPR). Revived the political agenda, according to Davydov.Index Aleksei Nechayev, the founder of the party New people.

In Italy, the increase in infected SARS-CoV-2 peaked since the beginning of summer

In Italy, 386 new cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded over the past day, which is the maximum for the period from June 5. T...

The Liverpool player Milner said goodbye to Lovren

Liverpool midfielder James Milner said goodbye to former teammate Dejan Lovren.Recall that, on 27 July, 31-year-old Croat officially moved to Zenith.Good luck to you, buddy! Will miss you on the field and

Instagram accused of spying on users

Users of the social network Instagram believe that they are being watched through the front camera, writes The Verge.The first of the unexpected behavior of the application said the owners of the Phone, installed the beta of iOS 14. In this version

Italy's opposition: emergency regime needs authorities to avoid parliament's control

The Italian authorities are extending the emergency regime in order to continue to make decisions in a special regime and without any control from the parliament, said George Meloni, leader of the Brothers of Italy party, on Wednesday, July 29. ...